Thursday, November 13, 2008

International Wear Your Baby Week

I am so excited for International Wear Your Baby Week! I love wearing my children in a sling and holding them close. When Isaiah was little, Tim used to wear him in "The Man Belly" (aka Snugli Baby Carrier). I still remember the first time he wore it. Isaiah was only about 3 weeks old and we were going to a mall. Tim hooked him up in the carrier and took about 2 steps before he was complaining that his back hurt and that Isaiah was heavy! I about died of laughter and then told him to "Shut It! Don't even try to complain to me; I've been carrying him for over 9 months and I couldn't take it off!" I don't remember carrying him too much, a few walks, then I went to the stroller. With Micah, I have been doing a few things different because he is a different child. When he was really little, I used to have to put him in the sling just to get anything done around the house! He was really into being held and would fuss if I put him down for more than 1 minute. Now, he likes to move a lot so holding him in the sling around the house is out of the question. I do like taking him in the sling on my hip when we go places where strollers just don't work well. When we went to a Day on the Farm it worked great because not only was the terrain not the best, but Micah was having a "mommy day" and needed some extra attention. Here is a candid Tim took of Micah and I at the farm while I was wearing him. 
I love this sling so much better than the Snugli. It is a Hotsling I got from Target. It is one piece of fabric and can be worn multiple ways. It is way cute and comfortable! I love wearing Micah and will enjoy it until he no longer lets me! Do you wear your baby and if so what do you use?

Here is a site you can see other moms wearing their babies and enter to win a sling from Nonny and Boo!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My Ladybug hated being put down too. The only way I got anything done was with the ring sling.

Love the fabric on your hotsling!

I posted pics of babywearing while making pizza - hope you'll stop by!